Make a Difference Community

How we work

Make a Difference community group brings together and fosters understanding amongst local people from the diverse communities across Greater Manchester.

Our Values


We are passionate about the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector


Innovation is our approach to creating opportunities and finding solutions for our communities


Quality is at the heart of all our activities.


We work co-operatively with others to achieve our vision.


Celebrating diversity and promoting equality in Greater Manchester and Stockport.


Demonstrating impact and making a difference every time, everywhere.

Our Policies

Safe guarding Policy

Make A Difference is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people. It recognises its responsibility to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation. Make A Difference acknowledges its duty to act appropriately to any allegations, reports or suspicions of abuse.

Paid staff and volunteers will endeavour to work together to encourage the development of an ethos, which embraces difference and diversity and respects the rights of children, young people and adults.

Health And Safety Policy Statement

Make A Difference regards the promotion of health and safety measures as a mutual objective for management, employees, sessional workers, volunteers and service users at all levels. It is therefore our policy to do all that is reasonable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards including the public insofar as they come into contact with the organisation.

Equal Opportunities Policy

 Policy Statement

 Make A Difference strives to be an equal opportunities organisation and, as such, the Make A Difference Management Committee will observe the principles and actively pursue the objectives set out in the discharge of their responsibilities so that this policy is fully implemented. It is our policy to provide employment and service provision equality, irrespective of:

Whistleblowing Policy

Make a Difference GM wishes its workers to be able to express their concerns if they believe something is seriously wrong in the workplace. Indeed, workers have a duty of trust to Make a Difference GM and it is wrong for any worker to withhold information necessary for the proper conduct of the organisation’s affairs.b -bbbb=

Data Protection Policy

In order to provide a safe service to individuals and to promote excellence in working practice, some client information will be collected and stored. In order for this to be achieved, clients may wish to be aware of our data protection policy. It is our aim to adhere to the Data Protection Act of 1998 wherever possible.


Vulnerable Adults Policy

In order to provide a safe service to individuals and to promote excellence in working practice, some client information will be collected and stored. In order for this to be achieved, clients may wish to be aware of our data protection policy. It is our aim to adhere to the Data Protection Act of 1998 wherever possible.


Vulnerable Adults Policy

In order to provide a safe service to individuals and to promote excellence in working practice, some client information will be collected and stored. In order for this to be achieved, clients may wish to be aware of our data protection policy. It is our aim to adhere to the Data Protection Act of 1998 wherever possible.